Board Meeting Minutes
MWGA 18 Board Meeting Minutes
Date: April 6, 2021 (Zoom) at 6:30 pm
Attending: Barb Peneder, CJ Michael, Linda Gray, Judy Borgeson
President – Barb Peneder
Seventeen members have joined to date, including four new members.
Fourteen members will attend the orientation meeting on April 13th.
Tom donated free rounds of golf for the raffle, including some rounds for recruiting new members.
Sue Maguire is donating an item(s) for the raffle.
Orientation meeting starts at 8:00, tee times start at 9:48.
Raffle tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.
Tom, John, and Matt will attend the meeting on April 13th.
Barb – New tee boxes will not be open until mid-July based on a brief conversation with John.
Ask if members want to keep the putt jar, and keep track of their putts (golf genius does not keep track of putts)
Ask for volunteers for tournament chair.
Treasurer – CJ Michael
CJ will give the treasurer’s report at the meeting. The league has $2,313.18 working cash on hand. CJ will pay the pro shop $70.00 for each player for play day payouts.
Handicap Chair – Linda Gray
Linda will give the handicap chair report at the meeting. She will update handicaps in GHIN on the 1st and 15th of each month and set flights. Scores will be posted in Golf Genius by the committee. Members need to record their gross scores only on their scorecards.
Play Day Chair (Tournament Chair) – Judy Borgeson
The 2021 play day schedule is posted on the website.
Website – Brooke Stroup
Brooke will explain the website and tee time sign up procedure.
MWGA 18 Board Meeting Minutes
Date: January 19, 2021 (ZOOM)
Attending: Barb Peneder, Brooke Stroup, CJ Michael, Linda Gray, Judy Borgeson
President – Barb Peneder
By Laws – updates to the bylaws will be discussed with the league members during the season and voted on at the year-end meeting.
Suggestion is to change “by laws” to Guidelines.
Barb updated the 2021 membership application. It will be sent to league members on February 15, 2021, posted on the website, and in the pro shop.
Barb will discuss the new tee boxes with Tom Woodard. The league members will need to vote on what tees to use before the season starts - new forward tees, original red tees, or a combination. New tees will need updated slope and rating.
Treasurer – CJ Michael
Reviewed profit and loss statement. The league has $718.18 working cash.
CJ will send preprinted deposit slips to Barb to deposit membership checks.
Due to the pandemic, the year end 2020 treasurer’s audit will take place when the season starts and the members are able to meet in person.
Secretary/Vice president – Judy Borgeson
Handicap Chair – Linda Gray
Continue to download WHS handicap index to Golf Genius twice a month (1st and 15th of each month).
Do not update handicap indexes in golf genius from GHIN when tournament dates overlap the 1st and 15th! Based on play day schedule, this includes the Ringer and Handicap Tournaments.
Play Day Chair – Judy Borgeson
Play day schedule reviewed. Schedule will be sent to league members after membership application deadline and posted on the website.
Website/Tee times Chair – Brooke Stroup
Make updates for 2021, update local rules of play and standing rules and etiquette on website.
Post 2021 membership application.
Post 2021 play day schedule.
Tournament Chair –
Judy Weeks does not want to be tournament chair this season. The play day and tournament
chair positions will be combined, with a committee to help with tournaments.
Action Items –
Orientation breakfast and raffle on 4/13, with optional golf.
Brooke suggested trying out the new tees for fun day golf.
Next board meeting - Tuesday, March 9th at 6:30 pm via Zoom
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Borgeson
March 29, 2016 ROX Bar and Grill
In attendance: Judy Borgeson, Teri Reinig, Georgia Kraft, Debbie Hickey, Brooke Stroup,
Lisa Bridston, Kim Duffy
Treasurer: CJ Michael (absent) Judy deposited checks received to date from members and advertisers.
President: Judy Borgeson
The board approved the motion to increase the Championship tournament entry fee to $10.
Judy will present the motion to all league members for a vote – via email.
Payouts for play days will remain at the 2015 amounts for now.
Clinic dates with the pros (short game and putting) will be finalized before orientation.
The agenda for the orientation meeting was discussed and will be sent to board members.
Vice President: Lisa Bridston
Lisa updated the membership list. The league has one new member and
a potential member attending the orientation. Five associates and one associate through
the CWGA service 15.
Handicap Chair: Teri Reinig
Teri activated GHIN for new members and associates. She will drop off
fliers she created for the league at the model home in the new neighborhood north
of the golf course.
Play Day Chair: Georgia Kraft
Georgia reported the play day schedule is finalized and posted on the website.
Social Chair: Debbie Hickey
Debbie sent invitations to the pros. The cost of the breakfast is $13.48, the league charges
$15.00 to defray the cost of our guests. Debbie suggested we bring wine, etc., for the raffle.
Teri reported the Meadows pro shop is donating a golf bag to the raffle.
Brooke reported the pro shop is donating 6 rounds of golf and 2 lessons.
Website/Tee Times Chair: Brooke Stroup
The play day schedule and local rules have been updated on the website.
Tournament Chair: Judy Weeks (absent)
Historian: MaryAnn Spry (absent)
B Team: Kim Duffy
Kim reported the B team schedule has been finalized. The team will consist of 6 members.
There are 4 home B team days this year. She explained handicap requirements for players.
A course handicap between 16 and 30 (at the course being played) is required. If a player’s course
handicap is higher than 30, the player must play to a 30. The board discussed if birdies, eagles
and sandies made on B team days should be part of the ringer. It was decided the policy
would not be fair to those players who are unable to or not qualified to play on B team Mondays.
New Business:
A suggestion was made that the no call, no show policy for tee times should be more stringent.
The suggestion will be presented to the absentee board members.
Follow up to no call, no show policy. Brooke reviewed our bylaws and reported the league does
have a no-show policy in place. Article II – Membership, Section 7: A first no-show offense will
result in a warning. The second offense will result in a fine of one 18-hole regular, walking greens fee.
The board can review the bylaw this summer and submit changes at the Final meeting in the fall.
Submitted by:
Judy Borgeson for Lyn Magette
March 8, 2016
In attendance Judy Borgeson, Teri Reinig, Georgia Kraft, Debbie Hickey, Brooke Stroup and Lyn Magette
Treasurer: Judy reporting for CJ Michael said that the CWGA dues have been paid.
President: Judy attended the CWGA annual meeting. They had a seminar on the rules of golf, which she attended. There are a few important changes to the rules. She will be bringing rule books for all our members. Teri brought up that there will be a rewrite of the rules in two years. Ghin will be going to a Global system for entering scores.
At orientation Teri will review with the membership on how to put the pops on your scorecard for your handicap. Also, after the on line vote, the majority voted to play hole #3 playing from the red tees. On having clinics the Pros it was decided that May would be a good time to schedule them. Dates will be announced.
Vice President: Judy reporting for Lisa Bridston said that they are trying to put ads in all the local papers to increase membership. Teri gave a run down of returning members and new members. Teri has created a sign that will be posted in the lady’s rooms at The Meadows G.C. to promote new membership. She also said that an effort should be made to advertise to the new neighborhood by The Meadows.
Handicap Chair: Teri reported that there will be no rebate of CWGA fees for multiple club memberships.
Play Day Chair: Georgia presented a list of the games for our play days. More 18 hole games have been added. She said that she will invite the 9 hole league to play on September 20th. That will also be the day we play Beat the Pro. There was discussion about the play day payouts. We will continue to pay a $5.00 entry fee for all tournaments. A motion was made, seconded and approved to increase the Championship entry fee to $10.00. The board will vote on this motion at the next board meeting. If the motion is passed, it will be presented to and voted on by the membership at orientation.
Social Chair: The orientation meeting will be on April the 12th. Golf will be available for those who would like to play. She will be sending out an invitation to all members with cost and times. The end of the year Banquet is scheduled for October 18th.
Website/Tee Times Chair: Brooke said that she will be updating the website with the new list of play days. She will also be listing all new ads. Tee times for the orientation will start at 10:00am.
New Business: Judy announced that there will be an additional meeting scheduled before The Orientation, to finalize details.
Date, time and place to be announced.
The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by:
Lyn Magette
January 12, 2016
In attendance: Judy Borgeson, Lisa Bridston, Teri Reinig, Georgia Kraft, Debbie Hickey and Lyn Magette
Treasurer: CJ Michael being absent, Judy reported that the EFT is set up at our bank.
President: Judy said that the CWGA annual meeting would be on February 27th. Judy and Teri plan to attend. Anyone could attend and the fee would be $35.00.
Vice President: Lisa handed out applications for this season. The following changes to the application were suggested, B Team’s play on Mondays and a place to pay for an advertising fee, etc.
Under membership it was suggested by Teri that we do a welcome packet for the houses in the new member hood above the golf course. Lisa said she would help Teri with that. Also, flyers will be put up at the golf course. Lisa will get ads in the local newspapers.
Lisa also distributed flyers to be used to get advertisements from businesses in the area.
Handicap: Teri reported that a new USGA Rule book is out. Judy said that she would get some extra books at the CWGA meeting. Several of us said we would like to go to a rule seminar. Lyn said she would find out if there were any in the area.
Teri also said that she will have to get recertified as a handicap chair person. It is required every two years.
Teri will be changing the way the league figures most improved. It will now be for the total year of play, not just league play.
Play Day Chair: Georgia handed out a preliminary schedule for play days. We went over the list. Some dates may change due to CWGA events. Also, it was recommended that we have more events that use all 18 holes to determine a winner.
Social Chair: Debbie opened a discussion regarding the Orientation meeting. It will be April 12th, 8:00am. Breakfast will be served at the meeting. Debbie will check with restaurant to see what the cost will be and possible menu. The members will pay for their breakfast. Teri will present a “pop your own card” review. There will also be a raffle at the meeting. Tee times will be available after the meeting for those who wish to play.
The End of the Year Banquet will be October 18th.
New Business: Judy brought up having a vote on whether the league will play from the blue or red tees on hole #3. She will ask people to vote on line.
Debbie brought up the possibility of raising dues. Discussion followed. A motion was made and seconded that we raise the dues to $100.00 for returning members and $105.00 for new members. The motion was voted on and passed.
The next meeting will be March 8th.
The meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by:
Lyn Magette, Secretary
MWGA 18 Board Meeting Minutes - Transition Meeting – Village Inn
Date: November 17, 2015
Members in attendance: Judy Borgeson, Debbie Hickey, Brooke Stroup, Georgia Kraft, CJ Michael
Treasurer – CJ Michael
The 2015 audit was completed and all financial records were certified as correct. The league has $458.80 available in the checking account.
Secretary – Debbie Manning (absent) (Lyn Magette – absent)
President – Judy Borgeson
Vice President – Lisa Bridston (absent)
Handicap Chair – Teri Reinig (absent)
Play Day Chair – Georgia Kraft
The preliminary play day schedule was discussed. Orientation is tentatively scheduled for April 12th, with golf in the morning and the meeting and lunch after golf at the Meadows. Georgia will check the CWGA and CSSWGA tournament schedules. Meadows is hosting the CWGA Mashie on a Tuesday in June, so the league will look for another course to play that day.
Tournament Chair – Judy Weeks (absent)
Website/Tee Times Chair – Brooke Stroup
Brooke will update the membership application on the website.
Social Chair – Debbie Hickey
Debbie will send information about the Christmas party on December 8th.
Historian – Dorothy Kreps (absent) (MaryAnn Spry – absent)
New Business:
We would like to invite the 9 hole ladies to play with us again next year. Georgia will contact the 9 hole league to discuss dates and format.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Borgeson
MWGA 18 Board Meeting Minutes
Date: September 22, 2015
Members in attendance: Judy Borgeson, Debbie Manning, Lisa Bridston, Georgia Kraft, Judy Weeks, Brooke Stroup
Officers’ reports
Secretary – Debbie Manning
Treasurer – CJ Michael (absent)
Income and Expense report:
President – Judy Borgeson
Discussed Year end awards responsibilities and budget
Majority of members can attend the year end luncheon on October 20th.
October 13th will be a play day.
Vice President – Lisa Bridston
Lisa will host the year end luncheon on October 20th, 1:30 pm, after optional golf.
Handicap Chair – Teri Reinig (absent)
Play Day Chair – Georgia Kraft
There will be a $2.00 buy in for the Tombstone play day on October 6th.
Georgia will email details.
Next season the limited clubs play day will be with 5 clubs.
Tournament Chair – Judy Weeks
Website/Tee Times Chair – Brooke Stroup
The website will be open after October 20th for optional play on Tuesdays!
Social Chair – Debbie Hickey (absent)
Debbie will send out a signup sheet for dishes to bring to the yearend luncheon
and will invite the pros.
Historian – Dorothy Kreps (absent)
New Business:
Pro shop money must be spent by November 15th.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Borgeson
Date: May 19, 2015
Members in attendance: Judy Borgeson, Lisa Bridston, Debbie Manning, Teri Reinig, Judy Weeks,
Brooke Stroup, Debbie Hickey, Dorothy Kreps
Officers’ reports:
Secretary: Debbie Manning
Treasurer: CJ Michael (absent)
President: Judy Borgeson
Remind all league members they are welcome to attend board meetings and can present
new business to the board.
Vice President: Lisa Bridston
New member, Lyn Magette
Handicap Chair: Teri Reinig
Will keep flights divided as evenly as possible
Play Day Chair: Georgia Kraft (absent)
Tournament Chair: Judy Weeks
Judy will send a reminder email to league members about the $5.00 entry fee for the
Ringer tournament and fees for the side games.
Website/Tee Times Chair: Brooke Stroup
Will post preliminary pairings for the Ringer
Social Chair: Debbie Hickey
Debbie suggested the tournament fees be included in the membership dues.
A meeting with the treasurer and president will be scheduled to discuss year end
trophies and prizes.
Historian: Dorothy Kreps
(no report)
Respectfully submitted: Debbie Manning, Secretary
MWGA18 Board Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2015 at Rox
Attendees: Judy Borgeson, Lisa Bridston, CJ Michael, Georgia Kraft, Brooke Stroup, Debbie Hickey, Dorothy Kreps
Secretary's Report
The minutes from the last board meeting were approved. Secretary Mary Ann Smith has resigned from the board. The board will look to appoint someone from this year's membership. Until then, an attending board member will take minutes for upcoming meetings.
Treasurer's Report - CJ Michael
The current balance in the account is $1362.31, which includes membership dues and ad payments received to date minus the CWGA club fee.
President's Report - Judy Borgeson
Judy attended the annual CWGA meeting and went to sessions on rules and ways to make golf courses friendlier to play. We discussed some changes that could be made to the course, such as adding a sight pole on 12 to mark the edge of the lake, mowing high grass in play in front of tee boxes, lowering rough on 9 and other items. Judy will take ideas to Tom and maintenance. Brooke will talk to Tom about coordinating with maintenance to mow the left side of the driving range first on Tuesday mornings or move driving range mowing to Thursday morning. We also discussed possibly changing some local rules, such as being able to hit a provisional on 9, and it was decided to look into the possible changes some more and consider impact on B team play before modifying any rules.
Vice President's Report - Lisa Bridston
All but four members have joined this year and Lisa will contact the others to see if they will be joining. No new members and the league has gotten $145 worth of ads so far.
Handicap Chair Report - Judy B. for Teri Reinig
There is a new CWGA website (can link to it from our website) and the CWGA will be upgrading and integrating the GHIN/TPP/Eclubhouse systems.
Play Day Chair Report - Georgia Kraft
The Play Day schedule is on the website. Georgia is still trying to setup the play day with the 9 hole league. Judy will ask Tom when he might be able to schedule a Beat the Pro day that will be in conjunction with one of our other games. Orientation day golf will be considered a play day without prizes since it is optional, but it can be entered on the ringer sheet. Georgia will set up the ringer sheets by that day.
Tournament Chair - Judy Weeks (absent)
Website/Tee Times Chair Report - Brooke Stroup
Website is up to date but need to update the Meadows street address to the new one. Brooke will forward pics to Dorothy for archiving.
Social Chair Report - Debbie Hickey
Orientation Breakfast will be at Lucille's in Littleton at 8am followed by optional golf around 10:30 at the Meadows. There will be a limited menu for one price, a short meeting and a raffle with tickets $1 each or 5 for $6. If members can bring an item for the raffle, it would be appreciated.
Historian's Report - Dorothy Kreps
If anyone has pictures from 2014, please forward them to Dorothy so she can archive them.
New Business
Judy proposed changing the wording in the Hole-In-One Club rules to not require the shot to be made at the Meadows. The new wording would be "The ace must have been shot on a Tuesday play day or tournament. “Play day” is defined as a day for which the member receives credit for attendance, as defined in Standing Rules & Etiquette #2 (this excludes B Team play)."
The next meeting will be scheduled prior to the Ringer Tournament.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brooke Stroup, Secretary for the day
Previous Board Meeting Minutes
Date: February 17, 2015
Members in attendance: Judy Borgeson, Lisa Bridston, Dorothy Kreps, Georgia Kraft, CJ Michael, Brooke Stroup
Officers’ Reports:
Secretary: (Dorothy Kreps for MaryAnn Smith)
Approval of minutes: The January 13, 2015 board meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer: CJ Michael
The league has $250.31 working cash available in the checking account.
CJ and Judy will meet to prepare a budget for year end and miscellaneous club expenses.
President: Judy Borgeson
Judy will attend the CWGA meeting on March 7, 2015. Let Judy know if you would like to attend with her. The cost of $35 will be the responsibility of the attendee.
Judy will schedule clinics with Tom Woodard and Bob Lewis.
Vice President: Lisa Bridston
Club information soliciting membership has been sent to local newspapers and HOA newsletters. A laminated poster soliciting membership is being created and will be posted in common areas.
To-date, 10 people have joined.
Lisa is in the process of soliciting businesses to advertise on the website.
Handicap Chair: Teri Reinig (Absent)
Play Day Chair: Georgia Kraft
Georgia presented the draft of the play day schedule. A few suggestions were made to complete the details for the play days. As a fundraiser, “Mulligan Day” was suggested to be the format for April 14 golf. Mulligan tickets will be available for purchase (suggested price is 1 for $2 or 3 for $5).
Georgia contacted the MWGA-9 Hole Play Day Chair to schedule a 9 hole ladies’ invite with us, possibly five members are interested. Will present the idea to the MWGA-9 Board next. Details to be confirmed later.
Tom Woodard would like to participate in a “Beat the Pro” round. Date to be determined.
Tournament Chair: Judy Weeks (Absent)
Website/Tee Times Chair: Brooke Stroup
Brooke will create a “Facebook” page for MWGA-18 for public viewing.
Social Chair: Debbie Hickey (Absent)
Orientation site to be determined.
Board members will request items for the raffle at the orientation meeting, including a lesson at the Meadows, items from the pro shop, rounds at Fox Hollow and Homestead.
Historian: Dorothy Kreps
Next meeting is March 17, 1:00 pm, location to be determined.
Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Kreps for MaryAnn Smith, Secretary
Date: January 13, 2015
Members in attendance: Judy Borgeson, Lisa Bridston, Mary Ann Smith, Dorothy Kreps, Georgia Kreps, Debbie Hickey
Officers’ Reports:
Secretary: Mary Ann Smith
Approval of minutes:
The November 21, 2014 board meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer: CJ Michael (absent)
The league has $325.31 available in the checking account.
President: Judy Borgeson
CWGA new address:
6 Inverness Court East, Suite 105
Englewood, CO 80112
CWGA meeting: March 7, 2015
Vice President: Lisa Bridston
Club information has been sent to local newspapers and HOA newsletters.
Application is updated on the website.
Website business ad contributors will be contacted.
Application sent to members.
Handicap Chair: Teri Reinig (Absent)
Play Day Chair: Georgia Kraft
Georgia presented the draft of the play day schedule.
She contacted the 9 hole play day chair to schedule a 9 hole ladies’ invite with us and they are very interested!! Suggested format is to tee off on the back 9 first, optional front 9, and 18 hole members interspersed with the 9 hole members to provide course management advise about the front 9.
Tournament Chair: Judy Weeks (Absent)
Website/Tee Times Chair: Brooke Stroup (Absent)
Social Chair: Debbie Hickey
Orientation site to be determined.
Historian: Dorothy Kreps
Dorothy suggested submitting club membership information to HOA newsletters.
Next meeting, February 17, 1:00 pm, ROX
MWGA 18 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Transition Meeting – Village Inn
Date: November 21, 2014
Members in attendance: Judy Borgeson, Linda Gray, MaryAnn Smith, Teri Reinig, Nancy Calahan, Debbie Hickey, Brooke Stroup, Dorothy Kreps, Lisa Bridston (new board member), Georgia Kraft (new board member)
Officers’ reports:
Treasurer – CJ Michael (absent) Judy Borgeson for CJ
The 2014 audit was completed and all financial records were certified as correct.
The league has $325.31 available in the checking account.
The league has $66.67 remaining in the pro shop. The money will be used to purchase gifts for the members for orientation.
Vice President – Linda Gray/Lisa Bridston
Linda and Lisa met separately to discuss the duties of the Vice President and Linda passed on all pertinent materials to Lisa.
Handicap Chair – Teri Reinig
Teri suggested several ideas to Tom Woodard to make the Meadows a more “user friendly course”.
Hole #2 – move the tee box to the north side of the fairway at the top of the hill.
Hole # 3 – play from the blue tees on Tuesdays
Hole # 7 – mow the rough back to decrease the carry to the fairway
Hole #8 – use a permanent pole to indicate the drop zone
Hole # 11 – use a permanent pole to indicate the drop zone
Hole # 12 – use a permanent pole to help in aiming to avoid the water hazard
Play Day Chair - Nancy Calahan/Georgia Kraft
Nancy and Georgia met separately to discuss the duties of the Play Day Chair and Nancy passed on all pertinent materials to Georgia.
Score cards will be discarded after the first of each year.
Tournament Chair – Debbie Hickey/Judy Weeks (absent)
Debbie will discuss Tournament Chair duties with Judy
Website/Tee Times Chair – Brooke Stroup
Brooke will update the website with the membership application, new roster, play day schedule and ads when available.
Social Chair – Debbie Hickey
Spring Orientation will be held on April 14, 2015
Debbie will determine a location for the orientation breakfast.
Historian – Dorothy Kreps
Several ideas for attracting new members were presented. Teri suggested distributing fliers to the new homes and to the neighborhoods surrounding the Meadows golf course.
Suggestion was made to put league information in the Woodbourne newsletter and the Columbine Knolls South II newsletter
Georgia suggested inviting the 9 hole league to play 9 holes with us, with an optional 9 to follow, back 9 first.
Action Items:
Lisa – update membership application and send forms for ads to members. Place ads in newspapers and
Georgia – preliminary play day schedule
Debbie – finalize location for the orientation breakfast.
Next meeting: January 13, 2015
Respectfully submitted: Mary Ann Smith, Secretary
MWGA 18 Board Meeting Minutes
Date: September 23, 2014
Members in attendance: Judy Borgeson, Linda Gray, CJ Michael, Mary Ann Smith, Teri Reinig, Nancy Calahan, Debbie Hickey, Brooke Stroup
Treasurer – CJ Michael
Income and Expense Report – Amount of working cash = $652.41
Two volunteers are needed to do the year end audit.
The funds for the CWGA cancer initiative will be carried over to 2015.
The budget for the Club Championship trophy will be raised to $75.00
President – Judy Borgeson
Yearend responsibilities and budgets were reviewed.
Drafts of the fall meeting agenda and the spring orientation meeting minutes will be sent to Linda Gray.
Vice President – Linda Gray
Linda will send a reminder email and an agenda for the fall meeting to all league members.
Play Day Chair – Nancy Calahan
Players may wear costumes for the October 7th Tombstone play day.
Yearend ringer award amounts will be adjusted after all play day payouts have been made and the
amount of remaining pro shop money determined.
Handicap Chair – Teri Reinig
Teri will assist with the final Ringer sheets, and will verify the amount of pro shop money remaining after all play day payouts have been made.
The budget for the plaque for the most improved player will be raised to $30.00.
Tournament Chair – Debbie Hickey – No report
Website/Tee Times Chair – Brooke Stroup
A reminder to wear costumes for the October 7th play day and information regarding the fall meeting will be posted on the website.
Tee times start at 8:33 on September 30th.
Social Chair – Judy Weeks (absent)
Judy sent an email to all members with the fall luncheon menu.
She invited 6 guests from the pro shop – Tom Woodard, Bob Lewis, Sue Maguire, Marty Saunders, Merle Korte, and Ken
Historian – Dorothy Kreps (absent)
New Business:
Election of board members will be held, and a proposal to play on some specified play days at Foothills golf course will be voted on at the fall meeting.
CWGA Club team championship MWGA 18 members are Brooke Stroup, Kim Duffy, Mary Ann Spry, and Debbie Hickey. September 30th, Kissing Camels CC.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Smith, Secretary