MWGA 18 Tee Time Procedures
Please sign up for tee times by using the link to the Tee Time Signup Form for the current month in the signup email sent by the Tee Time Chair or using the link on the Home page, the Tee Times page or the Signed-up Chart page. Indicate under each play day whether you want to play or not, put any special requests for a play day (e.g. need to start early or late a certain day) and then submit the form. The Tee Time Chair will then update the Signed-up Chart and upcoming Tee Times as members submit requests and changes, but please allow at least 24 hours for updates. To be assured of a Tee Time, please sign up at least a week before the day you would like to play because The Meadows requires our league to return unused tee times one week in advance.
Sunday at 5 pm is the deadline for scheduling or cancelling a tee time with the Tee Time Chair for the upcoming play day. If you find that you need to cancel or change your original play day requests after submitting the tee time signup form for the current month, please submit a Change/Cancel form using the link on the Home, Tee Times or Signed-up Chart pages or email the Tee Time Chairperson directly. Please DO NOT submit another tee time signup form for the current month unless you specify every play day request because it will override the initial form. After the deadline, call the pro shop the day of play and they will remove your name or add you if there is still room on the tee sheet.
Tee Time Reminders
1. Tee Times are assigned by the Tee Time Chair
Draft Tee Times will be posted online at least one week before play. Tee times may be changed throughout the week as players are added or removed. The Tee Time Chair will finalize tee times by the deadline (possibly later on B team days) and change Draft to Final. Tee times are entered on the tee sheet at the Pro Shop on Monday. Please be sure to check the tee sheet Monday evening to confirm your tee time the next day. Guests are always welcome. Include a note on the monthly tee time signup or email the Tee Time chairperson at least a week in advance to let them know which play day you would like to bring a guest and to guarantee a spot on the tee sheet.
2. If a member needs to cancel a tee time or be added to the finalized tee sheet after the deadline, she must contact the Pro Shop as soon as possible before play. A tee time will be given if space is available.
Pro Shop: 303-409-2250 #3
3. No Call-No Show
A legitimate cancellation occurs when a member who is signed up for a tee time notifies the Tee Time Chair before the deadline that she will not be playing that play day. If a player needs to cancel after the deadline, she must notify the Pro Shop prior to her tee time that she will not be playing that play day. If a member fails to do so, she will be considered a No Call-No Show.
The first no call – no show offense will result in a warning. The second offense will result in a $10.00 fine. The money collected for the fines will be deposited into the general fund to use at the club’s discretion.
4. Cancellation of a Play Day
Do not assume the play day is cancelled because of weather! If in doubt, please check the Tee Times page on the website or call the Pro Shop at 303-409-2250 #3. The League President will determine if a play day is cancelled and will notify the pro shop as early as possible that morning and the Tee Time page will indicate that play is cancelled.
Please note: Players should check-in at the golf course at least 20 minutes before their tee time. Last minute cancellations do occur that require changing players' tee times.
Tee Time Suggestions
1. If you would like to play with a variety of different club members, request to play in the first or last group only when necessary.
2. Please try to make your decision regarding a play day as early as possible. Changes made through the Pro Shop after the deadline often result in members playing in incomplete foursomes or for groups to be rearranged the day of play and tee times going unused. It is course policy for us to have the number of tee times needed based on signup to the Pro Shop one week in advance.
3. Remember to check the Signed-up Chart to verify your signup request for the month is correct and reflects any changes you submitted and the Tee Times chart on Monday evenings to confirm your upcoming tee time.