Most Recent Board Meeting Minutes
MWGA18 Board Meeting Minutes Date: January 17, 2023 7:00 pm Zoom Meeting
Attending: Barb Peneder, CJ Michael, Brooke Stroup, Judy Borgeson, Lynn Kelleher
President – Barb Peneder
The CGA league dues will remain at $75.00. GHIN dues per member increased from $35 to $43.
Invoicing for Club dues will be sent around February 1, 2023. All invoices are to be paid within
30 days.
Treasurer – CJ Michael
CJ reviewed the December 31, 2022 profit and loss statement. The league has
$1,068.86 in working cash.
Vice President – Judy Borgeson and Barb Peneder
The league will increase fees for returning members to $120 (includes $5 Hole-In-One Club),
fees for new members to $125 (includes $5 Hole-In-One Club).
Fees for associate members will remain at $50.
Barb will update the membership application, and send the application out the first of February.
Membership deadline date is March 15, 2023. Brooke will post the applications on the website.
Judy will post some applications on the bulletin board and give some to the pro shop.
Handicap Chair – Barb Peneder for Terry Usry
There are no 2023 WHS changes. Handicap index updates will be posted in Golf Genius every Monday.
Play Day Chair and Tournament Chair – Judy Borgeson and Lynn Kelleher
The play day schedule was discussed. It was suggested to change one of the games to
Website/Tee times Chair – Brooke Stroup
Sign up for tee times on Golf Genius for the entire season.
Brooke will make necessary updates to the website from 2022 to 2023, including updating the
bylaws on the website.
Post new membership on the website.
Brooke reported rates for Foothills Parks & Rec golf may be increasing.
Meadows golf club may monetarily penalize leagues for no shows/no calls.
Brooke suggested the league may need to adopt an enforceable penalty for no shows/no calls.
Discussion Items
1. Orientation buffet breakfast, raffle, and optional golf will be held on April 11th, 8:00 am.
2. Putt pot money will be donated to a charity. Barb will send an email to members as of March 15th for their charity of choice, to be voted on at orientation.
3. The $8.00 increase in GHIN fees will be moved to the pro shop for play day payouts.
4. Judy will use some raffle money from last year to buy more raffle items.
Next meeting – February 28th, 7:00 pm, Zoom